
Cracked tooth or root canal? A crown can help restore the tooth.


What is a crown?

Crown and bridgework is a very reliable solution for major dental problems caused by accidents, diseases, or wear and tear. A dental crown, or cap, is a restoration that can be used for several purposes. One of the most common uses of a dental crown is to restore a significantly damaged or decayed tooth. The crown is custom made to fit over the entire tooth, starting at the gum line, in order to restore the tooth to its original shape and size. The material used in these repairs is either high-grade porcelain or porcelain bonded to gold. A higher strength of the porcelain and gold materials is recommended to treat the most serious dental problems.

Unfortunately, teeth do not heal or restore damaged enamel
on their surface. However, we can help to protect & restore
a tooth with a dental crown.

Why would I need a crown or
a bridge?

Your smile may benefit from a crown if a tooth is damaged or decayed to the point that a dental filling will not provide a successful restoration. Crowns can also be used for many other restorative and aesthetic purposes, including to:

Protect a tooth following root canal treatment
Anchor and attach a dental bridge
Cover and complete a dental implant
Enhance the beauty of your smile
Improve a misshapen tooth
Strengthen a tooth that is fractured or weak
Support a large filling when little natural tooth structure remains


What is the Process?

Fitting a crown requires at least two office visits. Initially, we will remove decay, shape the tooth, and fit it with a temporary crown of either plastic or metal.

On the subsequent visit, we will remove the temporary crown, and then fit and adjust the final crown. Finally, we will cement the crown into place, and you now have a new beautiful looking tooth.


How long will my crown last?

These treatments are used for a long-lasting correction of major dental problems. It is usual for these treatments to last for 20 to 30 years, which is as close to permanent as dental treatment can get.

How do I know if I need a root canal?

Many people worry that if their tooth hurts, they will need a root canal. This isn’t always the case. Your tooth could hurt for several reasons:

  • Food is stuck between your teeth or in between the ridges of the chewing surfaces of your teeth.
  • A cavity may be present.
  • Your tooth could be chipped or cracked.
  • You may have some enamel erosion.

The best way to determine if you need a root canal is to come and see us. We will give you a thorough examination and x-rays and discuss the best treatment options for you.

Does a root canal always require a crown?

It all depends on the tooth. If the tooth is in good condition after a root canal, the dentist may opt to fill it and leave it be, especially if it is a front tooth. In almost all cases, the dentist will recommend that a crown be placed on a molar whose dental pulp has been removed. Tooth decay, as well as having a large amount of dental tissue removed during a root canal, weakens a tooth. Combined, decay and a root canal will leave the tooth at risk of crumbling when subjected to the pressure of chewing and grinding. A crown will cover the tooth, reinforce its outer structure and keep it from crumbling.

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