The Importance Of Gum Health

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Most of the time when you think of healthy teeth, you think of having nice, clean, white teeth. Although it is good to have clean white teeth, one of the most important things to keep healthy is our gums. If you do not have healthy gums, it can lead to a range of issues that can extend even beyond the mouth. In this article, we will dive into the importance of gum health, and why it deserves our attention.

Gums serve as the sturdy foundation of our teeth. The function of gums is to hold the mouth in place, providing support. Healthy gums place a seal around the teeth, preventing bacteria from entering underlying tissues. This seal is what prevents things like gum disease. Gum disease is super bad, and can lead to tooth decay/loss.

Gum disease (also known as periodontal disease) affects millions of people, and is more than just a minor inconvenience. It is a bacterial infection that causes serious repercussions. In the early stage, you will have symptoms like redness, swelling, and bleeding in the gums. It is really not fun. If gum disease is left unchecked it can cause the infections to damage the supporting structure of the teeth. 

To keep your gums healthy, and things like Gum disease from happening you need to follow these steps. You should have regular oral hygiene, by brushing your teeth at least twice a day. Make sure to brush your tongue as well. You also need to make sure to floss every time you brush your teeth. This is a huge factor, as it keeps some of the bacteria from getting to your gums.

In conclusion, it is super important to have healthy gums. Getting things like gum disease is not fun at all, and can be super painful. Here at Rogers Center for Dentistry, Dr Rogers is a top Dentist Spanish Fork and he and our team want to help you keep your gums healthy. Visiting the dentist often will help those gums stay healthy.

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