Fluoride 101

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We often hear the word fluoride when it comes to our teeth and our dental care but what exactly is fluoride? Fluoride is a mineral that naturally occurs in water and some foods. Fluoride is a mineral that can provide many health benefits. Fluoride is very good at strengthening bone density to some level but because of that fluoride is mostly known for helping strengthen your teeth.

Because of the health benefits for your teeth fluoride has been added to many dental products such as toothpaste, mouthwash, and even small tablets that you can chew and swallow. In some cases more fluoride is added to our water to help strengthen our enamel. When you come into Dentist Spanish Fork for your cleaning we also offer a fluoride coating to put onto your teeth to help strengthen them.

Fluoride is very good for your teeth but unfortunately there are many myths about fluoride that make people believe false things about it. For example many people believe that fluoride is bad for children and this is completely false. Fluoride is great for kids and it will really help them strengthen their teeth. Many people also believe that fluoridated water does not help with your tooth decay again this is incorrect. Many studies have shown that fluoridated water really helps with tooth decay.

When it comes to fluoride just remember that fluoride is naturally occurring. Fluoride is very good for you and it will help with your dental health. Fluoride will help prevent tooth decay and cavities from forming by making your teeth stronger. Next time you see something that may be a myth about fluoride just do some quick research and you will find only positive things about fluoride.

If you are ready to schedule your annual six month cleaning where you can also add a fluoride coating or even if you just have any questions do not hesitate and give us a call today.

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