How to Keep Your Teeth Clean During Christmas
Christmas is an amazing time of year with family and fun. It also comes with many treats and delicious meals. The holidays should be a time to get together with friends and family. Do not forget about your teeth though. During this time of year it can be easy to get caught up in everything that is going on and forget to do the simple things such as brushing your teeth. Your Dentist in Spanish Fork Utah cares about your oral health and does not want you to forget about your teeth this season. There are many things you can do to help you to remember to take care of your teeth.
During these holidays make it an effort to keep your dental routine up. This may be the most important time of year that you brush twice a day with all of those holiday treats waiting to be eaten. If you easily forget to keep your routine up, set some reminders. Put your toothbrush somewhere that you will see every time you wake up or are getting ready for bed.
If you are at a party and go to eat nuts do not open them with your teeth. This may seem like the quickest and easiest way to eat a nut but this will cause serious damage to your teeth. Use a nutcracker.
Don’t forget to drink water. Believe it or not but water helps your dental health. While you’re out enjoying the holidays bring a water bottle you can sip on. The water will wash away some bacteria that may still be on your teeth. With all the holiday treats comes the drinks. Every once in a while this holiday season choose water instead.
When the holidays are over it would be a good idea to come in for a cleaning. This way we can check on your teeth and make sure that they are healthy. If you want to schedule a cleaning or have any questions give us a call today.