Make Halloween and Easter Your Teeth Cleaning Traditions

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How long has it been since you had your teeth cleaned? Your children’s? If you are anything like me, there is a long to-do list that is constantly running in my head and there are many things that get pushed from day to day, and really don’t get done.

Dr. Rogers, your neighborhood Spanish Fork dentist, has the best trick to help people remember their dental health by taking a page from the play book from firefighters and breast cancer awareness month.

One of the keys to remembering information is tying it to something else that jogs your memory. Firefighters have long asked people to use the change from daylight savings to standard time, and vice versa as a signal to change the batteries in their smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Or, if you’re like me, watch the episode of, “This is Us” that reveals the details around Jacks death – you’ll be changing them every other week!

I was out with my (single) sister once at a town celebration and her young daughter was chatting with one of the firefighters telling them that she absolutely knew that their smoke detector worked. When asked how she knew this, she promptly answered, “Because it goes off every time my mom cooks!”  I’ve been around my sister long enough to attest to the veracity of this statement.

Another reminder comes in October, being the it is breast cancer awareness month, it is easy to have an annual screening mammogram It’s pretty much automatic now; the sight of football players running around with pink shoes, socks, or towels and I think, “mammogram!” Little secret – if you schedule your annual mammogram in October, you often receive treats or souvenirs at the hospital, including a certain Utah County hospital in Provo that including gifts gourmet chocolates to anyone having their mammogram in October. So, on that note, it might be the chocolate more than the football players.

On that same vein, if you are having trouble remembering to come in, Dr. Rogers suggests that you come in for visits around two holidays that both tend to be all about the candy – Halloween and Easter. Please consider adding regular dental appointments to come in and see us at our long-time Spanish Fork dental practice. We’re always here to help your family take care of dental needs.

What happened with my food-burning sister and the firefighter? Believe it or not, they married three years later! Does she still set off the smoke detector when she cooks? Yep!

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