Strange facts about Teeth

 In General

Teeth are a pretty standard body part. They help us eat and give us a beautiful smile. With regular checkups with the dentists at Roger’s Center for Dentistry in Spanish Fork you can rest easy knowing your teeth are working for you. What you don’t often think about is how weird teeth can actually be. Listed below are some strange facts about teeth.

Infants can be born with Teeth

About one in 2,000 infants is born with natal teeth, therefore, sometimes infant’s first dentist appointment is just a few days after birth. Generally, natal teeth grow on the lower gums and tend to have fragile roots; they are often removed to avoid problems with accidental swallowing and breastfeeding.

There is a Love your Teeth Day

To raise awareness of the significance of dental care, the Government in China designated September 20 as national ‘Love Your Teeth Day.’ The campaign motivates the Chinese people to take care of their gums and teeth, and promote dental health education.

Norwegian Company collect Baby Teeth

There is a tooth bank in Norway that plans to gather 100,000 milk teeth. These teeth will be part of a research study that will examine the relationship between pollution of the environment and ensuing disease.

Some Tumors can Grow Teeth

The germ cell tumors known as teratomas can contain many kinds of tissues and are normally found near the tailbone and in the ovaries and testes. Some of them even contain hair, teeth and occasionally hands, eyes and other limbs.

Teeth Tattoos

Did you know you can actually give your tooth a tattoo? Teeth tattoos are quite famous these days. The images are applied to a crown or cap and are permanent and come in all shapes and sizes.

Not Everyone Loses their Baby Teeth

Kids normally begin losing teeth around 5 or 6 and completely in their early teens. However, if an individual does not have a replacement permanent tooth, that milk tooth will stay put.

We hope you found these interesting and weird facts about teeth to be as cool as we did. Make sure you schedule your bi-annual appointment with the experienced dentists at Roger’s Center for Dentistry in Spanish Fork today.

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