Interesting Facts about Teeth

 In Teeth Care

Going to the dentist definitely isn’t the most fun or interesting thing to do in a day. But we at Roger’s Center for Dentistry in Spanish Fork have gathered some very interesting facts when it comes to your teeth. Check out these little known facts below.


  • The average person spends about 45-50 seconds brushing their teeth. Dentists recommend brushing for 2-3 minutes. When brushing your teeth, it helps to listen to your favorite song to make sure you brush long enough.
  • Flossing once a day can increase your life expectancy by 6 years!
  • Ever notice that the toothbrush colors in the store are mostly shades of blue and green? Studies have shown that blue tooth brushes are sold more often than red ones.
  • Did you know that periodontal gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss in people over the age of 35? 3 out of 4 Americans suffer from some form of periodontal gum disease.
  • Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the human body. Still, we don’t recommended to use your teeth as a tool to open things.
  • Sugar begins attacking the tooth, but the real cause for cavities are acid and bacteria.
  • Seventy-three percent of Americans would rather go grocery shopping than floss. Yet flossing is one of the most beneficial practices you can do to maintain your teeth health.
  • Placing a cap on your toothbrush is actually more harmful because bacteria favors moist environments. Uncap your toothbrush to limit the possibility of bacteria growth.
  • Kids get cavities between teeth while adults usually get cavities on the biting surface of teeth.


For more interesting facts about your teeth you will definitely want to schedule an appointment with the experienced dentists at Roger’s Center for Dentistry in Spanish Fork. We can provide you with some interesting facts while making sure your teeth are in tip-top shape. Call us today!

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