Facts about Sedation Dentistry
Has your fear of the dentist gotten out of control lately? So much so that you haven’t been keeping your yearly appointments? Perhaps you need a dental procedure done that requires some sedation. Either way, we at Roger’s Center for Dentistry in Spanish Fork, UT want you to be informed about Sedation Dentistry and what is usually involved. You can see the most common facts about sedation dentistry listed below.
Methods of Sedation
There are four methods for sedating a patient during an in-office dental procedure: anxiolytic or minimal sedation; conscious/moderate sedation; deep sedation; and finally, general anesthesia. Each one is tailored to the amount of dental work needing to be done. Your skilled dentist will determine which method is best for you and your health while still being able to alleviate some of the pain you might feel.
The Dentist Remains in the Room
When administering IV conscious sedation to a patient, the dentist must usually remain in the room with that patient at all times. Under these circumstances, dentists cannot resume their normal routine where they may be practicing in more than one chair at the same time. When practicing IV moderate sedation dentistry, the dentist is usually with one patient at a time from start to finish. Dentists are required to have a current license and meet all of the requirement to use sedation dentistry, so you can rest easy knowing that you are being taken care of by a practiced professional.
Ensuring Safety
Sedation dentistry is safe and effective thanks to the methods of sedation and the training required for you dentist to be able to practice sedation dentistry. One of the main reasons is that throughout the sedation you are slowly titrating drugs into the patient’s system, as opposed to pushing a set amount of a drug all at once. As you are titrating medication, you are continually monitoring the patient to determine if more or less medication is needed to achieve the desired sedative effect throughout a given dental procedure.
If you have more questions about sedation dentistry and how it is used make sure you call Roger’s Center for Dentistry for more information. An appointment with one of our dentists can help to alleviate any of the fear or concerns you may have.