How to Keep your Teeth Healthy over the Holidays

 In Teeth Care

The holiday season comes with a lot of tasty treats to nibble on. To help you in keeping your oral health in tip top shape we at Roger’s Center for Dentistry in Spanish Fork have gathered some tips to help you in keeping your teeth healthy over the holidays.


Don’t Crack Nuts using your Teeth

The Nutcrackers are out this time of year for a reason. All those tasty holiday nuts will need some help when it comes to cracking their shell and your teeth are not the solution. The hard surface of most nutshells can cause serious tooth and gum damage, and may even crack teeth.


Pass on the Chewy Treats

Sticky substances cling to tooth enamel and encourage tooth decay, and thick candies like caramel and taffy can even yank out fillings. Eat these sweets sparingly and along with other foods to help keep the treats from sticking to your teeth.


Avoid Chewing on Hard Candy

Chewing on your hard candy treats can lead to cracked or chipped teeth, which are painful and pricey to treat. When you’re enjoying a sweet let it dissolve naturally. Better yet, skip the hard candies altogether.


Use Tools to Open Packaging

While opening the gifts you are bound to receive this holiday season you will want to have a knife or pair of scissors close by. It may be tempting to use your teeth to tear apart hard plastics or gift wrapping but it can cause you more pain in the long run. Your teeth can crack them, possibly requiring a root canal or crown.


Your teeth can take a beating this holiday season, but if you follow the tips above you can avoid any of the hazards that may present themselves over the holidays. Remember to always follow up each yummy treat with a good brushing session and don’t forget to floss. Consult with your dentist at Roger’s Center for Dentistry in Spanish Fork for more oral health care tips.

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