Caring for your Baby’s Teeth
Knowing how to care for your child’s teeth can be difficult. That is why we at Roger’s Dentistry in Spanish Fork have gathered some dental care tips on how to start your child’s oral health care as they grow and start getting their first teeth.
Cleaning their Gums
Yes that’s right, you can begin to clean your child’s mouth even before they start getting their first teeth in. Get into the habit of wiping his gums with gauze or a soft wet washcloth during bath time. You don’t need to use any toothpaste yet, just simply wrap the cloth or gauze around your index finger and rub it gently over his gums. This will get rid of any bacteria that is in their mouth from any of the food or drinks they have had during the day.
Cleaning when the Teeth Emerge
As your child gets their first tooth you will need to change their brushing routine. Start by looking for a baby toothbrush. These are made small enough to fit into their mouths. You will want to try and brush their teeth twice a day, once in the morning and once before bedtime. Use a very small amount of fluoride toothpaste, about the size of a grain of rice. It is wise to check with your pediatrician or the dentists at Roger’s Dentistry regarding the need of fluoride toothpaste. While brushing you will want to brush gently on the inside and outside of your baby’s teeth and their tongue. This is easier said than done, but just try and do your best.
Visit your Dentist
You will want to schedule your first dental appointment for your child 6 months after their first tooth emerges or after their first birthday, whichever comes first. Until then having your pediatrician look at their teeth will be adequate enough. Make sure you are communicating your brushing habits and use of fluoride with your dentist during your visit.
Making sure your child is receiving proper dental care at an early age will help them when they are older. Nothing is worse than having your child get their cavities filled due to improper brushing habits. For more tips and advice when it comes to your child’s oral health you can call and schedule a consultation with the dentists at Roger’s Dentistry in Spanish Fork today.